Ability to edit the headings in the snapshot
Vic Charlesworth
We would love it if admins were able to change the headings i.e planned activity, roadblocks etc. The reason for this is that we use the snapshot to record the top 2-3 achievements/what you are proud of so it would be great to be able to change the headings to reflect how we use them and the content we are submitting
Kasia Fulton
This is now in produciton.
Kasia Fulton
in progress
Kasia Fulton
Hey Vic Charlesworth, we do have a plan to make the snapshot form just as flexible as the 1:1 form. This feature update has been approved on our roadmap, however it hasn't yet been scheduled for design and implementation. I will keep you updated. Cheers!
Vic Charlesworth
Kasia Fulton: Oh awesome. Cant wait to have that feature
Joel Gregory
Kasia Fulton: Yeah, that would be a great addition!